El Protector

The El Protector program is designed to educate the Spanish speaking community within the City of Riverside through the dedicated efforts of Officers and representatives from 6 different agencies.
Agencies that include the Riverside Police Department, Corona Police Department, Riverside County Sheriffs, California Highway Patrol, University of California, Riverside Police Department, and Riverside City College Police Department.
The focus of the program is to improve community relations, provide educational programs, safeguard the community, and better serve the public.
The program goes beyond the traditional Police Officer role, taking a proactive approach in our endeavor to overcome the barriers of language and culture. We recognize the need to educate ourselves as well as the public in order to achieve an improved understanding. The El Protector program serves to further our efforts in improving the safety and service of the Hispanic community. Program areas include:
- Education – We would like to educate the community in relation to traffic laws, the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol, Domestic Violence and other subjects of importance.
- Information – During our community presentations, we distribute informative brochures like Neighborhood Watch, how to protect your family, and how to avoid unnecessary risks.
- Benefits – Educational programs where the community can obtain a variety of information that is available by telephone. The most important benefit to the community is the ability to communicate directly with Spanish speaking officers and representatives.